As a consumer, whenever you purchase goods or services from a business, you will agree to their terms of service and their conditions.

In turn, service providers and businesses have a duty to ensure that goods are fit for purpose, comply with Trading Standard regulations, and are sold as described. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 protects your statutory rights when you purchase a product or service from a retailer. If these rights are breached and you feel you have been poorly mistreated then you may have a claim against the seller or supplier for compensation.

Contact a member of our dispute resolution team today at 0161 930 5151, email, or fill in the online form and someone will call you straight back to book a consultation.

How Do I Enforce My Consumer Rights?

It is important to follow the necessary complaint procedures in the first instance. By reading the seller or supplier’s terms and conditions you will gain a better understanding as to whether you need to open a claim. If the supplier refuses to fix and/or replace the faulty product or service, if you are refused a refund or if the product has been mis-sold to you then seeking expert legal advice is your next course of action. It is essential to instruct a consumer rights solicitor who can explain your options to you and advise you on the best course of action to resolve your consumer dispute swiftly and efficiently.

Small Claims

It is extremely important to note that if your claim is for less than £10,000, then it will be a small claim. Whilst this is still something that our consumer law solicitors can advise you on, you are not generally entitled to recover your legal costs in a small claim, even if you win your case.

How Can Our Consumer Law Solicitors Help?

We know that you may have lots of questions, and we have the answers. How much does it cost? Do I have a valid case? How long will it take? What are my chances of success? During our initial consultation, we will discuss your specific situation and provide you with clear and transparent information about our fees, the strength of your case, the estimated timeline, and your chances of success. 

We’ll take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have, so you can feel confident and empowered throughout the legal process.

We understand that raising a claim against a seller or supplier is a daunting process, which is why we pride ourselves on having an expert consumer rights solicitors team, with a vast amount of experience in resolving a wide range of consumer disputes. Our consumer rights lawyers can offer you the necessary guidance, representation and legal advice to help you with your claim. We try, where necessary, to avoid the need to take the case to court and will attempt to resolve the dispute in arbitration using mediation with the other party involved. We will also explore alternative methods of funding which may be available to you in such cases and work with you to offer advice and support throughout the entire resolution process.

If you feel you have a consumer dispute and you would like more information on how to proceed, contact one of our specialist consumer rights lawyers today at 0161 930 5151, email, or fill in the online form.

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  • I very soon knew I could trust Gorvins completely to do their very best for me. ...Barbara Avery

  • Guy Lightowler provided advice on an invoice dispute with a large corporate..... ...Mark Snape

  • Thanks again Megan! Really can’t Thankyou enough for all your help and guidance ...Billie Rowe

  • Megan thank you for all your help on this and finally we have most the money ...Clare Heath

  • Megan has been absolutely brilliant in dealing with my case.... ...C J

  • After being informed by a local solicitor I had no case to plea I asked... ...Mrs. Julie Thomas from Northwich

  • Danielle, Christine and Michael handled my case in a most professional manner... ...Mrs. M Thomas, Manchester

  • Danielle is an extremely professional solicitor. Her attitude towards... ...Anon, Hale Barns, Cheshire

  • Danielle is helping me navigate a very difficult course. Her... ...Mrs Walker, Reddish

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